Running the Athens Authentic Marathon for Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) Romania and Moldova


Elena Moisei Hope and Homes for Children România

52.190476190476% Complete
2,192 RON
Sumă strânsă
4,200 RON
Vreau să fac o donaţie!

Dear Friends,

This autumn I decided to take the challenge to run the Athens Authentic Marathon which follows the original marathon path, starting from Marathon city all the way to the finish line within the Athens Olympic Stadium.

Because it is considered to be one of the most challenging city marathon in the world, considering the race altitudes this involves high physical and mental strength, I decided to dedicate this race to the children in need for whom each day is a marathon challenge to face poverty and family abandonment, an unconditional sacrifice to survive in this world without having a family to support their dreams or a home where to seek haven.

Hope & Homes for Children (HHC) is a prominent UK charity organisation that aims to provide every child with a family-base environment. HHC replaces the institutional system for the protection of the child with a system based on the concept of family. As its slogan says, the organization aims to provide "A home and a family for every child". HHC is presented in both countries Romania (1998) and Moldova (2001).

According to the legend, Pheidippides died at the end of the race and his last words were “Joy to you, we have won”. I also believe we can be winners by fundraising for HHC and bringing joy in the life of orphaned children supported by this charity in Romania and Moldova.

The fundraising target is 4,200 RON as the distance of the marathon is 42km, so 100 RON for every 1 km I complete. The collected money will be equally shared for charity projects in Romania and Moldova. Home is where the hope is alive; let’s give them our support and a chance for a better life.


Thank you for being proactive!



Recomandă-le prietenilor această campanie.

în beneficiul

Suntem o organizație non-profit care schimbă din rădăcini sistemul de protecție a copilului din România. 


Hope and Homes for Children îşi bazează întreaga activitate pe un crez puternic: viaţa departe de părinți, în orfelinate distruge copilării şi limitează şansele copiilor de a se dezvolta normal şi de a avea o viaţă împlinită şi fericită.


În anul 490 î.Hr. a avut loc prima luptă din istorie pentru democrație, în satul grecesc Maraton. Deși erau depășiți numeric de armata Persiei, soldații Atenei au fost victorioși și au deschis drumul către democrație, păstrând totodată clasicul mod de viață grecesc pe a cărui fundație s-a construit civilizația vestică. Legendele spun că, atunci când lupta a luat sfârșit


12 Donații

"1me/42km" every step I take, I do believe in humanity.
11 Nov 2015


150 RON
I'm quite sure that you had great time at Athens. Hope this little help make somebody happy.
10 Nov 2015
09 Nov 2015
Elena, I am so proud of you! You are the source of our eternal inspiration. Good luck on your Marathon tomorrow! Hug you.
07 Nov 2015


75 RON
07 Nov 2015
Bravo !
01 Nov 2015
Elena m you make our world more beautiful with your actions. You are a true inspiration. Always there for you :) xxxx
01 Nov 2015
Run faster than Forrest Gump /o/
31 Oct 2015
Mult succes, Elena !
28 Oct 2015
27 Oct 2015
Vorwärts :)
26 Oct 2015


75 RON
24 Oct 2015
Elena Moisei : Hope and Homes for Children România
Running the Athens Authentic Marathon for Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) Romania and Moldova